
Chapter 7

“Babe, you gotta point the camera at your face,” Josh said. “I don’t want to talk to Light’s chin.”

Chuckling, I reached for my comm and lifted it from my chest to focus on my face. Josh’s floating head smiled.

“There you are. I keep saying you should get one of these.” He tapped the device on his eye. “Super convenient.”

“And I keep saying that talking to a floating head is creepy. I don’t want to inflict that on anyone. You could at least set it to scan your whole body.”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, which earned me a laugh. “What’s up? You leaving work?”


“Fara and Nate too?”

“Yup, they’re with me.”

Fara’s voice came over the comm, low and sultry. “Hey, Star.”

Followed by Nate’s, “Miss you, Star.”

I smiled. Even after years with them, I still got a surge of protective, fierce love sometimes when I heard their voices.

“I could get the comm to scan them in, too,” Josh offered.