“Followed by long, relaxing baths with me,” Nate amended, and smiled. I kissed him. Then I kissed him again, and didn’t stop for a while, heedless of neighbors or anyone else who may have been able to see us. When we finally came up for air, I rested my head against his cheek and idly played with his chest hair while we talked. The warmth of the sun against my dark skin and his soft, fat body against my side made me sleepy, even though we’d only been out of bed for an hour or so. I snuggled against his cheek.
“Did you talk to Fara?” he asked.
“Yeah. She’s on board.”
“Good.” He slid a hand up and down my thigh. “I’ll put in the request as soon as we go back inside. Priority. Rush.”
“Josh and Fara are gonna kill us.”
“Josh will probably suffocate us to death with hugs.”