Chapter 15

Randy looked at me seriously. “In all the years I’ve known you, Fitz, you’ve never looked this happy about anything. This job sucks, and I know you could do better, but you stick it out anyway. At least you’re doing something for you, for a change. That’s all I’m saying. Keep it up.”

Maybe I would.

* * * *

It was another two weeks and just after Halloween when Simms and I finally had our date. He’d been told to take a couple days off since he’d been working a case for three days straight and it had just broken the night before. This wasn’t to say that we hadn’t been having sex in the meantime. But we’d also tried to find a few minutes a day just to check in and see how the other was doing. It was so different from what I’d had with Jerry—with anyone, really. Simms and I were forging a connection, trying to have an adult relationship where, yes, the sex was smoking, but we did other things, too.