Chapter 22

He leaned back in his chair. “Took you long enough,” was his witty comment. Nice. He gestured to my attire. “Is this all for me?”

I would not be baited by him, no matter how much he was hurting. “Nope. This is for me. You’re just incidental.” His smirk disappeared behind a scowl. I continued, “While I realize my job is not up to your standards of whatyou think I should be doing with my life, I’ve been busy, too.” I set the box on top of his messy papers and resisted the urge to do him bodily harm. “I need the key to my apartment, please.”

After glaring at me for about ten seconds, Simms reached into his pocket, removed the key from the chain, and tossed it to me. More like threw it, but I wouldn’t quibble. “Thanks,” I said, before pocketing the key.

“So much for friendship,” he said in a snotty tone but I could hear the pain beneath.