“It’s okay,” Derek called out. “He usually sits there when I watch TV.”
“If you say so.”
Derek returned to the background checks, finally wrapping them up and sending them off an hour later. Shutting down the computer, he went into the living room where he found Joe apparently engrossed in his book, using Sherwat’s head, which was on his lap, for a book rest.
“You look comfortable,” Derek said as he went to open the curtains on the front window. It was still snowing, although lighter now than it had been when he woke up, which he supposed was a plus. “Might as well get used to it. It’s going to be a while before we can get out of here.”
Joe grimaced, saying under his breath, “Meaning you’re stuck with me until who knows when.”
Sitting in the armchair beside the sofa, Derek replied, “I wouldn’t call it stuck. At least I’ve got someone to talk to beside Sherwat.”
“I’m not real good at conversation.”