“Mr. Oliver…again.” Derek shook his head. Joe didn’t want to ask why. “The other phone’s in the storage room,” Derek told him before calling Mr. Oliver back.
Joe got it but waited to set it up until Derek had finished his call, and the ones to the other people who had left messages. He plugged it in and was checking it to be certain it worked when Derek joined him.
“Mr. Oliver should be here in twenty minutes. When he gets here, show him into my office, please.”
Joe beamed. “My first chore as your secretary.”
Derek smiled, patting his shoulder. “That and answering the phone. I have to do some research for another client who wants something in the way of security that I don’t have in stock. By the way, there’s an intercom function, so if I need you while I’m with I client I can let you know. If you need me, press the INT button, as long as you’re not on the phone talking to someone. You can’t talk to me and them at the same time.”