Chapter 17

“You two probably should’ve been separated a long time ago. I heard you were both at Reggie’s stag yesterday. Anything you want to tell me?” There was a knock on the door. Michael watched as Kinter gestured for the officer to enter.

“Your wife is on the phone, Sergeant,” Fitzgerald said. He had also been at Reggie’s stag. Michael wondered who it was that had given Kinter the lowdown.

“Jesus Christ, tell her I’ll call her back.” Kinter dismissed Fitzgerald with a brusque wave then waited for him to close the door before continuing. “Angel and you better start watching yourselves. You better watch yourself, Carmac. All eyes are on you to see if you’re gonna crack, so if you need help, now’s the time to ask for it. You need more time with the shrink? We’ve got a new one starting next week.”

Michael shook his head. “No, Sergeant, I’m good.”