“As I assumed,” he said, and nodded. “Thank you for telling me. How much more do you know?” He waved his right fingers and thumb at me again and chanted, “Yoseiexuctia.”
“You met at a New Year’s Eve party three years ago. The two of you had drinks. You went back to his place after midnight and the two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms. You dated for the next three weeks. Then you became lovers, and Jase moved here to be closer to you. If Jase is alive, which I’m starting to understand that he is, you’re still lovers with him.”
“Nicely said, Sawyer. Your facts are very accurate. No wonder you are hired by Rutt. He has a good man with you. A fine employee.”
I ignored his compliment. “Just a few more question for you before I leave,” I said, sounding more like a zombie than one who gathered facts for a living.