“Of course, Jase’s world took a worse turn last spring. A long story being longer, Jase suffers from severe jealousy. The coven knows of his uncontrolled condition. In warlocks it feels four times stronger than that of normal, functioning humans of the everyday world. Anyway, Jase being Ravenrock’s jealous lover, learned that Maximilian Astor, another warlock in our Order, a Second like Jase, had gained strong affections for Wilhelm Ravenrock. Max made it quite clear to Ravenrock that he would make a better lover for the Chancellor over Jase. Jase learned of this maddening statement and planned revenge. His extreme jealousy flourished and Jase Carmichael seduced Max approximately two weeks prior to Memorial Day. The two men numerously slept together, behind Ravenrock’s back. Drama isn’t above warlocks, of course, as you clearly realize. Covens are very much like the Housewives of Orange County or Atlanta.