Chapter 5

“The fact you don’t even know is what makes you you. We leaned on each other. You were there for me so many times. I see a stronger, more confident you with Patrick, and it makes me so happy. That Max, that Goose, was always there, but the love Patrick shows you helped bring it out more. Your laugh, your smile, your jokes that make the rest of us laugh…Say something funny.”

“Geeze. No pressure.”

Thankfully, people laughed at that. I did, and then I kissed Goose’s hand.

“Like Rich said, you two together make me happy. You make each other smile, and that’s contagious. I wish you a thousand years together, a million, eternity, and from what you’ve both said and been through, I believe that’s possible. I believe it’s exactly what’s going to happen. Our family was small, Patrick, and now, with you a part of it, everything is bigger and better. I love you, Patrick.”

Just for a moment, I stepped away from my groom, in order to give her a hug. “I love you right back, Shelby.”