Chapter 26

“It’s a girl,” Shelby said once the call had ended.

“Maybe.” I thought it best to remain cautious. “A week or two from now, maybe. We’ll see, Shelby.”

“What couple on this planet is more loving than you two?” she asked.

“We have to do research,” I was already Googling, “to find out what kind of care little piggies need.”

“I’ve been doing plenty of that.” Shelby touched her belly. “For human babies, not…not pigs. I’m reading everything I can get my hands on.”

“Gramma and Grampa didn’t have internet.” Goose smiled. “They did okay. Your baby will be lucky to have you and Bro-ham as parents.”

“Aww. So will your pig. I wonder,” Shelby said, changing directions, rubbing her tummy, now, “if your psychic gift is hereditary. Maybe little Richard will have it.”

“Little Richard?”

“Yeah. I heard it, too.” Shelby made a stink face similar to the one Goose had. “I hear it every time. I keep hoping we can somehow make it work.”