Chapter 52

“Only on special occasions, it seems.”

“Something like that would be great for me…the job hours, not necessarily the ghost thing.”

“Every town has a Cost-Mart,” Goose said. “Look into it. They don’t all set up the janitorial stuff like the one where I work. They did that for me, as an experiment.”

“I never knew that,” I said.

“Yup. Sort of like the group who’s helping Micha. My therapist spoke to someone who knew someone who knew a guy. Maybe, somebody could put in a good word for you, Micha. My supervisor would, for sure. He could speak for the success of the setup, having the cleaner in off hours, if not you personally. It’s worked out perfectly for them. Overnighters during blizzards notwithstanding.”

“I don’t get it,” Micha said.

“Patrick and I got snowed in dusk to dawn one time.”

“Oh. That must have been hell.”

“Actually, it was a lot like Heaven.”

“Can you tell me about this whole ghost thing?” Micha perked up again, once back on the subject of spirits.