“Shit.” David sat down beside him, not quite touching but close enough if that might be wanted. Held out both hands: not a command. “I didn’t mean that. You scared me, is all. I’m sorry.”
Colin looked at the hands. Looked at the apprehensive expression. Tentatively set fingers into David’s. David immediately started trying to rub warmth into them. “I’m really sorry. You don’t have to listen to me, I’m not giving you orders, I’m not gonna keep you here if you want to go. I just—you said you were feeling—and it’s pouring cats and dogs—shit, sorry again—out there and I don’t want you to get hurt. I just made hot chocolate, come on, the least you can do is drink one of them with me.”
The hot chocolate wafted sugary steam upward, beckoning.
“Well,” Colin said to it, letting David hold his hands, feeling icicles start to thaw under his skin, “I suppose that would be good manners. Since you did go to the trouble of making it.”
“Right, and you don’t want to hurt its feelings.”