
Chapter 9

Marcus takes it cautiously. “Thanks, man.” He takes a large sip, feeling himself relax as the vodka slides down his throat. He’s not supposed to drink on his meds, but whatever. Drinking lowers his anxiety, makes him feel more human. That’s got to count for something.

Ajay punches him lightly on the arm. “Glad you made it. It’s nice to see you outside of the library. You look much hotter when you’re out from under those fluorescent lights.”

“You saying I don’t look hot all the time?” Marcus teases, taking another gulp from his glass.

Ajay laughs, ruffling his messy hair. “You definitely look hot all the time. What do you think, Seb? You agree?”

Sebastian shrugs, though Marcus thinks he spots a faint blush on his cheeks. “You know I hate agreeing with you. But I’m not gonna lie.” He pokes Ajay in the ribs. “Where’s my drink, asshole? You got a new best friend and all of a sudden I’m chopped liver?”