
Chapter 30

“It’s not…it’s not your fault,” Marcus manages to choke out in a whisper. His fingers are trembling, numb at the tips. The pounding in his chest is a dull roar now, and his eyes refuse to focus. “I was—I believed him, and…stupid, I was so fucking stupid, you don’t…you don’t have to take the blame for that, it’s—ugh, I’m such a fucking idiot, and that’s not your fault—”

“Marcus! Oh shit, are you having—”

Marcus squeezes his eyes shut, wishing he was back in his apartment, alone in his room where it’s dark and quiet and there isn’t anyone staringat him like the freak that he is and he—

“Come on, you can do this. Just like we used to, remember?”

Fingers thread through his, squeezing gently.

“Breathe in, breathe out, remember?”

Breathing, that’s right. He’d forgotten to do that. Marcus lets out a breath that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

“Okay good, let it all out. Now breathe in with me, one, two, three—”