Chapter 5

Mike takes a sip of his coffee. “Do you have to wait a long time for your friend?”

“A few hours,” Tommy says, fiddling with his pencil.

“I could give you a ride? I don’t have anything pressing this afternoon. Just let me have my lunch, and I can take you.” Mike hates to think of Tommy stuck here all day, waiting for a ride.

“You’d do that?” Tommy asks, looking surprised.

“Sure, why not? I said I was happy to help you out with stuff. I look after my artists.” Which is true, and Mike would give any of the artists showing in his gallery a ride home if they needed it, not just the cute guys.

“That’d be really great. I have a few things I’d like to be getting on with at home. So it’d be useful to get home sooner.”

“Then I’ll give you a ride in a little bit.” Mike smiles.

“Thank you.” Tommy smiles back, and his smile is thanks enough.

Mike starts to break up his muffin, and Tommy smiles wider. “What?”