Chapter 13

“You sure you want to see me naked?” Mike says it like he’s joking, but he kind of means it. His insecurities are just under the surface.

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot since I walked into your office. I really want to see you naked,” Tommy says firmly. He loosens the knot of Mike’s tie and then lifts it over his head, flinging it to one side. He slides his hands over Mike’s chest, under his suit jacket, sliding it off.

The jacket hits the floor, and without even a second’s pause, Tommy starts work on Mike’s shirt buttons. He opens each button slowly. He doesn’t look nervous, but rather like he’s savouring the experience. Mike holds his breath as his chest is revealed. His chest is still firm, his stomach isn’t bad, either, thanks to hours in the gym and a healthy diet. But those things do nothing to stop the gray hairs he’s grown on his chest and treasure trail.