Chapter 33

“I want you to remember something, son. Liam is older than he seems. An adult. Though you will be his teacher at first, that is temporary. Soon you will be equals in every way. Already you are both grown men.”

Frank had wondered if the bark would scratch too much. How could it not? It had to hurt, and though it did, he pressed his stiff, tender penis into it anyway, the scratchiness adding to the sensuality. When he folded his erection upward with his hand, and then rubbed his entire lower half against the ancient skin, grinding and humping the rutted texture with full-on titillated abandon, it felt even better. Liam had taught him something else. As long as Frank had been wandering in and about these trees, he had never thought of one as a sexual companion. How odd the notion sounded, but there was no denying the ecstasy it brought, and Frank was quite certain the tree didn’t mind.