“Fun for me isn’t really globetrotting, though. Maybe I’m…culturally ignorant, internationally snobbish, or just plain lazy. Or maybe I’m more…”
“Just a homebody.”
“Yeah. I like home. When it feels like home. And a place like this to come to when home doesn’t…” Tag swept his hand out toward the trees. “That’s awesome to. It’s familiar and comfortable, yet it changes every day. That’s pretty cool, and definitely enough for me.”
Geoffrey’s heart skipped a beat.
“But seeing the world was Gramma’s dream, and screw Dad! Can you believe he stopped speaking to her, like he figured it was her duty to be his fucking lottery ticket, I guess. Quite the shitty DNA in me.”
Whatever his DNA was, it made him beautiful, inside and out. “You’ve done well with it,” Geoffrey said.
“Thanks. And forgive my French. Are you anti-cursing?”
“Fuck no.” Geoffrey grinned, then reached for his croissant.
“So Gramma said ‘Go fuck yourself’, and fucking moved to Mexico. Good thing I asked, huh?”