“I love this album.” Hank moved in his chair, the wood cracking under his weight. “Rumours?”
“We’re both familiar with those, right?”
Hank only smiled. “You got a thing for roosters, huh?” he asked, after a moment, gazing around at my bright yellow and orange kitchen.
I did. I collected rooster trinkets and plates and even had a rooster calendar and clock. “I don’t know how it got to this,” I said, embarrassed, “but it started with one little thing I got a thrift shop on Main, and then—bam—I’m the creepy rooster guy.”
Hank chuckled and drank his beer. “Those things happen.”
“Yeah, well, I’m that guy I guess,” I said, more seriously. “The lonely single gay man with the rooster collection.” I scoffed and picked up my beer, twirling it around. “Pathetic, huh?”
“Pathetic? No.” Under the wan kitchen lamp hanging low over the table, Hank’s eyes were warm and wonderful. “Quirky, yes. Interesting…definitely.”