He fell back into the uncomfortable chair and sighed. This was a mistake. It was only the first night and just the few hours they’d spent together in the car was almost too much. It was like Craig was a drug. Mitch couldn’t get enough of him. Hell, he wanted to lean over and smell his goddamned hair.
He let his head fall back against the chair as he closed his eyes. He’d kept himself in check for so many years, and he was going to ruin their last moments together because he couldn’t keep his emotions under control. He should have insisted they let Adam come with them. He would have been the perfect buffer.
Mitch had known Adam since high school, and when he’d introduced him to Craig, the two of them had hit it off right away. Adam was the only one Mitch had ever confided in about his feelings for Craig.
Maybe it wasn’t too late to somehow get Adam to join them.