Mitch glanced in the mirror and couldn’t believe the sight that greeted him. His eyes were bloodshot, his face pale, and his hair sticking up all over. He even had a gross patch of dried drool on his cheek.
He peed quickly and turned the shower on, praying for mercy as the hot water poured down, slicing into him like tiny little knives. It was painful, but by the time he climbed out, he was feeling a little more human.
Once he stepped into the room, the air-conditioning hit his damp skin and he shivered, reaching for his bag and dressing as quickly and quietly as possible. Finally daring a glance at the other bed, he saw it was empty.
Panic filled him as he briefly wondered if he’d scared Craig off last night. Mitch had tried to sound nonchalant, to make his tone light so his friend wouldn’t see through and know how much he really did want to go to California with him. But not as a friend. He couldn’t do that. It would kill him to watch Craig go on with his life without Mitch.