Chapter 24

He gaped at his friend. The timing could nothave been worse. One look across the table and he could see Craig wasn’t happy either. Those sexy lips were turned down in a frown now.

“Hey, Craig.” Adam flicked his blue eyes between the two men, his brow furrowed. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah,” Mitch lied as his friend clapped his shoulder. He shot a look at Craig and bit his lip, lightly shrugging.

“You guys order yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“Burgers smell good. Love a good greasy burger from a small grill like this.”

Adam kept up the chatter, not really giving them a chance to talk. Mitch was used to it. He’d known Adam forever, and he’d always been a talker.

He pulled his phone out and discreetly sent a text to Craig.


Mitch shot a little smile across the table when Craig’s phone pinged and he read the message. Adam chattered on, oblivious.

You going to answer me?