Of course he didn’t. He took another swig of beer. “Uh, yeah. Guess I wasn’t thinking.” Not like they could fly back every year to spend time in Branson. The sun had set by then, but the light next to the front door was enough to illuminate Craig’s eyes and he froze, his beer still in his hand. The way Craig was watching him shot desire straight to his dick. Damn. This was just going to confuse things. It was time to tell him.
“So, I got a call this morning,” he began, meeting Craig’s gaze across the table and shifting uncomfortably on the wooden bench.
“I remember.” Craig’s voice was quiet. Reserved. But his stare never wavered.
“It was my new boss. In West Virginia.” He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “They want me to come out early. Apparently the guy that was supposed to cover some big store opening fell and broke his leg and the rest of the staff is already on assignment.”