The engorged, rounded tip teased the outside ridge of Tucker’s anus. It spread his warm and wanting space, but Chad did everything except put it in. He pressed against it, slid it up and down, and around, until his attention eventually left that area, and moved back around front, where he reclaimed Tucker’s organ in his hand. “Little man.” He giggled, as he fondled and stroked it, sucked on it a while, and then rubbed it on his. “Is this anything?”
Tucker barked out a laugh. “It’s certainly something. Feels good. But…” Tucker tapped him, like a relay wrestler ready to take to the ring. “You be the nine now.”
Chad rolled right over, just like Laddie would for belly scritches. It was no insult thinking of Chad like that. Tucker loved them both. In fact, before doing anything sexual, he rubbed Chad’s smooth tummy, in an act of adoration and affection.
Chad giggled again. “I’m fat.”