Jason followed him into his room. “Look. I know I’m not your favorite person. But I also know that you just had a close encounter with the spirit of someone who didn’t wish you well in life and didn’t after death. So if it’s okay with you, I’ll hang around for a little while. Just in case.” He gave Cameron a wry grin. “Lousy company is better than no company, sometimes.”
Cameron bit his lip. He shouldn’t do this. He shouldn’t give his overactive imagination any fodder for fantasies about Jason caring. “Okay,” he rasped. “Thanks.”9
Cameron didn’t think he’d be able to sleep with Jason sitting there, but he dozed off after just a few seconds. He woke up a little while later with a sore neck and an aching chest, but still better off than he’d been when he closed his eyes. He felt more refreshed than he’d been in a while, too, and that was weird. He could only attribute the difference to having Jason there, watching over him.