Chapter 54

“Tell him I’ll be right there. Does he need anything?”

“Not that I know, but he wouldn’t ask for it anyway, I don’t think.”

“Tell him I’ll be right there,” Scott repeated before ending the call.

Ben looked at him curiously. “What’s going on?”

“A friend of mine is in the hospital. I’ve got to go.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. He was shot. That’s all I know.” Scott moved as he spoke, scooping up his keys and heading to the door.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No. You should probably just go home.”

“Oh.” A single syllable, but completely infused with disappointment. Scott was a little disappointed, too, but not for the same reason Ben obviously was.

“Look, I’ll call you, okay? I’ll make it up to you.”

“Maybe it’s best if you don’t.”

“No,” Scott said quickly. “I’ll call you. Come on, I’ll walk you down to your car.”