Chapter 15

The coolness of the refrigerator somehow felt quite invigorating, but of course it could have just been that mood was enhanced quite a bit. Even the smell of my orange juice felt intoxicating. Before the juice touched my lips, I realized that I needed to calm down before I went into cliché overload. However, my bliss didn’t last long.

Across the open kitchen I heard a noise coming from the bedroom. Someone had closed the door and walked into the bathroom. From the angle I was at I couldn’t see them, but I could hear the noise they made. I couldn’t believe it; someone had broken into my place. But I had to be sure, so I moved over towards the bathroom and pressed my ear against the door. Though it was muffled, I could hear the shower running. Is this really happening? I thought.Someone is trying to rob me and use up all my good shower stuff?