Chapter 39

Yours in devotion,


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My Dearest Micah,

I am greatly pleased to read that you have found a respite with your family, however brief. If you do not have that distraction hanging over your head, you can concentrate more fully on your writing and your studies. I am also pleased to see that you have the support of the faculty. Their support is a great boon and you will be thankful for it long after you graduate.

You haunt my dreams as well. But that is hardly a surprise, as you haunt my waking thoughts. I have not danced in many years, but I would certainly try for you. I will do whatever I have to do to simply touch you again. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Has anybody ever told you how captivating you are? I fear the answer to my question is “no.” Which is truly unfortunate, as you deserve to be told often.