“My plans are utterly disrupted,” he said with a hint of a smile. “Could this be how Simonsen thinks you mean to corrupt me?”
Jefferson looked down to his own stained pants and the drying, white fluid on his hand. “This is precisely how Simonsen thinks I mean to corrupt you. But perhaps we can still salvage your plan? The night is still young, after all.”
Micah shook his head. “I’m of the mind to simply wallow in your arms a trifle longer. Or all night, if you will let me. I’ll reclaim my plans in the morn. They are likely better suited to Christmas Day anyway.”
“If we are to wallow in each other’s arms, we should retire to the bedroom. It is far more comfortable than the floor.” He released Micah and stood. Micah took his offered hand, and allowed Jefferson to pull him to his feet. “But I must admit an intense curiosity about a plan better suited for Christmas Day.”