Chapter 21

“I apologize for not alerting you first to my touch,” Ewan said. “I am also sorry this news brings you sorrow. I will find Judah. I will do this for you.”

“Your hope…rings false…even for…someone…of your station. Without knowing…where Judah lived…it would be impossible…to know…where he died.”

“You feel he is dead?”

I shrugged.

“Because he never made contact?”

“Why would he? I…hurt him,” I said.

“I could start there, in New York.”

“So…far away.”

“You loved him.”

“I have…loved no other.”

“And never can?” Ewan brushed my lips with his thumb.

“That night…is not…here.” I touched my forehead. “But here,” I laid my palm to where my heart beat behind it, “I feel there is a reason…Judah never wrote.”

“Or he did and his letters were kept from you.”

I could not argue that theory, so I countered with something else. “Georgia hides me…from others’ judgment. Auntie Virginia…thought it best to incarcerate me…even before…I did harm…because she knew…I was…a beast who someday would.”