Chapter 36


Del had led us to a well pit, barely four-by-four and eight feet deep, where I found him crouched in one corner, beside the water pump for the cabin, shaken, bloody, shirtless, but alive.

“Hello, Pennsylvania.”8


One week later, Delaware, Virginia, Georgia, and Delaware Dupree, Jr. were properly laid to rest. Virginia and Delaware’s bodies were found at the gazebo, where Georgia had apparently brought them to reunite us all. Once she’d discovered I had escaped, she had taken off in search of me, we figured. What happened next, along the walkway, in the unfinished prison she had called to be constructed, no supposition was needed to recount for police.

Though I had free run of the house, I still spent much of my time in my room. The door was open, and I had company quite often—my nephew, Del, who had a room on the other side of the house. “If only…one of us…had been hit…by wanderlust,” I jested with him. “We may have met…years ago.”