


"No Lizzy, don't talk like that. This is not your fault. She would be fine. She has to be" He said sharply, both to himself and to Lizzy.

She nodded, trying to accept what Andy said. She leaned against him and he held her but he was detached from his environment. 'I should have insisted that she use the driver' he told himself for the umpteenth time. 'I should have'. He gritted his teeth as tears threatened strongly and he forced them back forcefully. He has to be strong.

Be strong for Jessica. The waiting room door opened and Andy turned, releasing Lizzy but his eyes collided with the dark intense gaze of his father.


Sonia sat in the bus, feeling all sorts of emotions: self-loath, anger, agitation but fear was the most evident of all.

She could not believe that her life had turned into a nightmare within the space of three weeks. She sat in the bus with dark specks covering her eyes. She mopped tears as they seeped out from under the glasses.

Listening to her mother had become the worst thing she had ever done. Ever since Jessica had gotten married to Andy, her mother hadn't stopped poisoning her mind. Her mother had complained endlessly on why Sonia had been contented with being the bride's maid of honour instead of being the bride.

"You sat down behind your friend, fanning her and mopping her face; why were you not the bride? As far as I am concerned, you are much more good looking. You are just too dull. If you had been smarter, you would be married to that money-bag and we would be swimming in money by now" Sonia's mother had said.

Sonia shook her head. She should not have listened to her mother's continuous talks. She hadn't at first but then, her mother never stopped.

She continuously poisoned her mind until she found herself becoming Jealous of Jessica. They say blood is thicker than water but now, she preferred water to blood.

Hearing that Jessica had been involved in an accident was more shattering than anything she had experienced. It had taken just the news alone to bring her to her senses. She could not bear to think that Jessica might die; if that happened, she would probably die of guilt and bitterness.

She wanted forgiveness but she did not know if what she had done could be forgiven. She knew she would not forgive if she were in Jessica's shoes but she still had to try. But what if…

'No' she said internally as more tears trickled down her face. 'She must not die…

Please God… If you never hear me, please hear me today… Jessica can't die



Andy's dad had done all he could to see Andy and seek his forgiveness but all his attempts had been truncated by Andy, one way or the other. Even going to Andy's office and threatening his staff hadn't worked because Andy had left strict instructions with his staff to never allow his father into his office. Mr. Williams had sent messages but Andy had replied none.

"What do you want dad? Have you not done enough havoc?"

Andy said quietly, too quietly.

"I am sorry Andy. I have been saying this for the past two weeks. I made a silly mistake but I was only thinking of your welfare"

"My welfare" Andy repeated. The fact that his dad had done what he did because of him did not make Andy happy at all.

"My welfare? At what expense? You almost ruined Jessica's life dad. You almost ruined my life. Jessica is my life, my everything; and you deliberately hurt her like that?" Andy shook his head. He was not ready for this conversation now, he had more than enough on his plate already.

"I never knew Andy. How would I have known? I only know what I heard on the…" he looked round the waiting room and saw that some strangers were looking at them.

He moved closer to Andy, talking for his ears alone. "On the tape" he continued. "I never knew that you both had developed feelings for each other, if I had, I would never have done what I did.

I know my move to put it all on her was very wrong and I regret it but I only thought of it at that time in order to protect you" Mr. Williams murmured quietly, his eyes showing signs of remorse.

"Why did you make it your business dad? You could have confronted us or better still, stayed out of it" He was not as aggressive as before.

"You are my business Andy. You became my business immediately you were born; your mum would not have it any other way". Andy exhaled deeply.

He loved his father so much. His father had taken the responsibility of a father and a mother, ensuring that he had all the love and affection he needed.

How could he not forgive his dad anything? Mr. Williams touched Andy's shoulder in a manly manner. "I know how much you love her" he whispered. "I saw how depressed and devastated you were when Jessica went missing and I almost died of guilt. I am sorry son".

Andy looked at his father, and his arrogance disappeared, leaving the fear very visible. Mr. Williams was taken aback.

He had never seen Andy look so vulnerable and scared, not even when his fiancée had died. "She would be OK right?

Dad, I don't know what I would do if she… if she…" Andy looked twenty again as tears brimmed in his eyes but his stubbornness would not allow them fall. "I can't do without her dad".

Andy's dad drew him into his arms for an awkward father to son hug. "We have to keep our faith up Andy. All would be well".

Doctor Bright worked endlessly with two other doctors and two nurses. Immediately he saw the patient, he identified her instantly. Who would not know the outstandingly beautiful wife of the richest bachelor in Nigeria?

Immediately he saw her, he had known two things: that she had lost so much blood and that she was his ticket to stardom.

There had been some problem with regards to the patient's marriage but it was also obvious that her husband was not ready to leave her alone..

After the scandal about the patient's intentions for marrying the famous Andy Williams and her disappearance, he had seen pictures of the couple, having good times at various places and he could tell that the couple were very much in love. It would be disastrous if he could not salvage this situation and would be a dream come true if he did.

As he worked with the other doctors with his entire body covered, he soon forgot about gains or losses, all he could think of was saving her life. It was a good thing that the car had an airbag which must have obviously prevented the patient from bumping her head. With what he saw, the car must have been hit pretty hard.

Some of the broken glasses, perhaps from the windscreen had pierced her body, making her lose a lot of blood. They had seen to the wounds after removing the glasses from her skin but the problem was that the patient was not holding on. She had lost so much blood and they were currently transfusing some blood into her but the patient was not holding on to life and that was dangerous. He had seen this happen so many times. When a patient was not willing to live, there is a limit to what a doctor can do.

"Her heart is failing doctor" one of the other doctors declared in alarm and Doctor Bright checked the monitor, confirming his fears.

It was like Andy was in for so many unpleasant surprises.

Everyone stared in one direction, gazing at the newest addition to the people in the waiting room. Sonia stood there in tears as a thousand eyes bore into her but Andy's was what frightened her the most. His gaze shot fire and she wanted to flee but her legs would not agree. She had come here to do something and she intended on pulling it through.

"Get out of here" Andy's voice was quiet, too quiet and it frightened her more; she wished he had shouted.

She went on her kneels instantly. "Please Andy, forgive me. I am sorry".

Andy was quiet, looking at her without betraying any form of emotion.

Paulina turned smoking eyes at Sonia. "You better listen to him o, because if I pounce on you… ehn… if I pounce on you, I would beat you black and blue. You know I have not attacked you, if I do, you would have marks." Paulina was vibrating and Tunji held her to prevent her from doing something stupid. Lizzy did not even have the time to confront Sonia, she was busy praying for her friend.

Andy stared at Sonia but he did not have the strength to deal with her.

"I am sorry. I was misled. I… I am just so sorry" Sonia wept.

Andy's father had gone out earlier to make some calls. Andy took out his phone and punched a number. Within seconds, two hefty men arrived. "Take her out of here" he murmured and the men turned to face Sonia instantly.

"No, please Andy. I am sorry. Please forgive me"

"Please move ma'am"

A door opened and automatically, everyone jerked in that direction. Andy saw the doctor and his blood froze as he marched like someone going to war, followed closely by everyone concerned.

Doctor Bright stared at Andy and swallowed hard. He was seeing him live for the first time in an unpalatable situation.

"How is my wife doctor?"

Silence stretched out and tension was at its peak as everyone held their breaths waiting for the doctor's response. The doctor seemed to have frozen on the spot he was standing and for one second, he seemed like a frozen mummy statue.

"Well, Doctor?" Lizzy yelled impatiently. Andy's face had already drained, leaving him white as he expected a response from the doctor but got none. It could only mean one thing.

Doctor Bright shook himself, the shock of seeing Andy and his father all at once had rendered him speechless. He cleared his throat.

"She is still alive but very critical." He swallowed. "Very critical" He repeated. "She is in a coma now and we have done all we can do for her now. All she needs now is prayers. We expect a reaction soon. I don't mean to scare you but she is not fighting hard enough, or so it seems. I-"

"I want to see her" Andy interrupted, not wanting to hear more. He felt like he had died a million times and gone to hell.

"She needs-"

"I need to see her" Andy stressed the 'need' because he felt that if he did not see her instantly, he would literally die.

Doctor Bright swallowed and nodded. "Come with me sir"

Andy hated the 'sir' that was accorded to him but he did not have the time to dwell on it or even to tell the doctor to call him by name. It was very evident that the doctor was older than Andy but Andy was ready to answer anything as long as it took him to Jessica.

The doctor opened the door and entered with Andy closely behind. Immediately he was in the same room with Jessica, all his bravery was gone and tears brimmed his eyes. He moved like a robot towards the bed, feeling all his strength drain away. Seeing Jessica attached to so many machines shook him much more than anything. She looked terribly pale and astoundingly vacant.

"I would leave you alone with her. Please try not to disturb her in any way. There is a button by her bed over there, press it if there is any reaction".

Andy barely heard the doctor as he spoke and vaguely noticed him as he left. He lowered himself onto the chair beside the bed because he could barely stand on his feet. He raised his left hand shakily and brushed Jessica's hair gently, careful not to move her in anyway.

He remembered burying is hands and nose in the rich mass of hair just this morning. How things change within the space of a heartbeat, he mused. He picked up her hand with his right hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles shakily. Her hand was warm and very pale. He bent his head and kissed her knuckles.

"My love" he breathed and almost choked as tears threatened to gush out. He inhaled and swallowed.

"My heart, it is me; Drew" he continued. "Do you remember that day during our honeymoon that you decided to prepare the dinner? I had come back from work feeling hungry and the aroma of fried chicken had greeted me at the entrance. That day, you had entered my senses and refused to come out."

He sniffed and smiled slightly. "You had been standing in the kitchen with your back to me, seeing to the meal, not noticing my presence. You wore one of those terrible oversized gowns I hate so much, in your quest to look ugly.

When you finally saw me and I asked for chicken, you had smacked my hand playfully.

Do you remember that?"

Andy stared at Jessica's face but her face was still blank. He smiled shakily. "Then I had stood in front of you. Really really close. I wanted to take the chicken but then you gazed at me and I was lost.

Your eyes drank me in and it was like you had captured me and wrapped me around your little finger. I had placed my hand on your waist and had been thrown completely off balance by how slim your waist was.

I could almost wrap my hands around it. And then your mouth, Oh my God! Jeez, I had wanted to kiss you so much that day that my brain went totally blank just looking at your lips. I don't know where I got the ability to resist kissing you that day but immediately I left that kitchen, I knew I couldn't be around you if I wanted to keep my sanity. I had ensured that I left for work early and arrived very late so that I won't be tempted to do anything stupid.

Jeez, even though you were putting on clothes big enough for three of you put together, you had me under your spell, not to mention now" he swallowed.

"You can't leave me Jess. You just can't. After so many years, I have finally opened up my heart to love again and this time, I did not leave anything behind. I have not loved anyone, anyone, the way I love you. Seeing you like this is like a horrible nightmare; I just want to wake up." He sniffed.

"You just have to wake up baby, for me; for us. I promised you a real honeymoon; I still need to make that a reality"


To be continued.

Written by Deen Arfat.