“My studio. Inspiration always wallops me when I least expect it.”
“I didn’t call at a bad time, did I?”
“God, no. I’ve wanted to hook up since the dinner. It’s my fault. I should’ve called sooner.” Someone shouted in the distance. “Hang on.” Jared’s voice grew fainter as he answered the shouts with his own. It sounded like he was directing people where to put things.
“Listen, if you want to call me back when you’re not so busy—”
“No, I don’t want that. Let’s get something set up. Can you meet for lunch tomorrow?”
“No, I can’t unfortunately. Today’s my one day off this week. What about tonight?”
Jared sighed. “That doesn’t work. It’s going to be another late day for me.” More shouts. A woman’s voice cut them off. Theresa, most likely. “But tell you what. I’m stuck here, but it’s all supervising, really. Why don’t you come down and we’ll have a coffee? Theresa brought in some amazing crullers this morning, too. I’ll save one for you.”