“Well I think it’s a great idea,” said Lilly Franklin as she and her gaggle of girls sat down at the long table. “You really did a marvelous job on that reading today.”
Shay smiled at her.
“I’m going to try out. Wouldn’t it be fun to do it together?” Lilly went on.
“Oh-oh! Romeo and Juliette,” another of Shay’s friends said in a mocking tone.
“Buzz off, Bozo,” said one of Lilly’s friends, a girl that could have played linebacker for the Bears. “Lotsa pro athletes became big movie stars. And lots of stars were into sports when they were in school.”
“So, Shay, will you think about it?” Lilly asked, batting her eyes.
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Shay said.
* * * *
Shay stood outside The Little Theater, vacillating as to whether or not he should go in. He’d kind of told Lilly he would audition for the play, yet as he stood at the door, his courage failed him. Maybe his jock buds were right, this drama stuff was for dorks and queers.