“You did really well, Shay,” Lilly said. “You’re gonna do a great job.”
“Yeah, you will,” Dwayne chimed in as he walked up to the pair. “You’re a natural.”
Shay shrugged. “I don’t know. I still don’t understand that crosses stage left stuff.”
“Not a problem. Like I said, I’d be happy to help with that.”
Lilly agreed that Shay would catch on quickly, and said she’d help as well.
“Thanks again,” Shay said. “Well I need to get going—homework. Test tomorrow in chemistry. You ready, Lilly?”
Lilly nodded.
“Say, if you’re giving Lilly a ride, could I hitch one, too? I don’t live too far from her. We went to grade school together.”
Shay looked at Lilly.
She shrugged. “It’s okay.”
“Okay, sure,” Shay said.
“That’s great,” Dwayne said. “My mom works evenings. She’s a nurse. I’d have to take the bus and that gets me home pretty late.”