Chapter 13

Shay watched them briefly, then with a heavy heart and feeling like a heel, he turned and caught up with his jock buddies.

* * * *

After seeing the widespread reaction of the audience to

Dwayne’s initial appearance on stage, and realizing how most of the school perceived him, Shay decided he had to curtail his association with Dwayne even further. But how to do it? The after school rides home with Dwayne and Lilly now were so much a part of their routine. However, Shay was feeling paranoid enough about being exposed, he decided he had to do something. To his enduring shame, he chose to take the coward’s way out.

The first afternoon after the assembly that the trio were to ride home together, Shay put his plan into action.

“Where are we going? Lilly asked, when Shay bypassed the usual turn off to her house.