Chapter 23

He tried to imagine what it would be like to be out as gay here among the people with whom he’d grown up, and for them to know that handsome, stud jock, Shay Rogers, was actually a gay man and in a relationship with another man. He looked back at Dwayne and those who were with him. Ashamed, Shay realized he couldn’t bear to be associated with them here at home. In Boston or Colorado, anywhere where his identity as a gay man had been his only identity, it would be no problem for him. But here? No.

He could not explain why, but the idea of coming out here was something that made him recoil. He hoped it wouldn’t be a deal breaker for Dwayne. But why should it be? Hadn’t that been the way it’d been back in high school? Dwayne had accepted it then, why shouldn’t he now?

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