He rubbed Dakota’s arm reassuringly and dipped his head a little lower in an attempt to be closer to his level. He spoke slowly and quietly, as though there could be other people around to hear him. “What I’m saying is, there’s a good chance that, whatever you could think of, there’s a way to do it. And it’s easier than you think. There’s something big going on. Most people don’t even know about it, but if you’ll let me, I’ll—I’ll prove it to you.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re gonna have to be a little more specific than that. I don’t want anything. I don’t care anymore.” Pain, failure, and loneliness brought him to the brink. And a sort of hollow listlessness that came with being in a new place and having little in common with everyone around him. He doubted this miracle solution could offer him a renewed sense of hope. It just sounded like Terrell was pitching some new-agey cult.