For the better part of twenty minutes, he tried to get information about the talismans. He said they rightfully belonged to his boss, a powerful magic wielder. Though he contended that he didn’t want to hurt her, he used a knife to make small cuts on her body and later burned her with magic fire. Bloodcurdling screams alerted the neighbors. They called the cops, and one man tried to break through the door, but to no avail. By the time they got in, the mystery attacker was gone, having left out the fire escape.
He didn’t steal her talisman because her cousins kept it at the ranch. And he didn’t get any information out of Carrie, either. She was as stubborn and strong-willed as Eleanor and Eddie, and she most certainly knew what this monster could do to her extended family. But torture was torture, and no one would have blamed her if she cracked under such brutal treatment.