But he had a retort prepared, as the mechanics of their eventual sexual encounter already played through in his mind at least a dozen or more times. “Mobile? Acrobatic? So what?” He reached inside Terrell’s shirt and ran his hands up to his chest. “I know what I’m doing. I promise.” With a big smile on his face, he gently walked Terrell into his room and shut the door behind them. The moment it closed, he began unceremoniously pulling the guy’s shirt off. Terrell helped to an extent, and soon he stood before Dakota uncovered from the waist up.
Deep tissue damage ran all the way down his right arm and across much of his stomach, and it extended out toward the center of his back. Chunks of flesh were missing, and secondary scars from surgeries dotted his form. Immediately, Terrell picked up on his staring and grew self-conscious. He tried to cover some of the injuries. “We don’t have to—”