Chapter 95

Dakota spent almost no time on his appearance. He simply smoothed down his hair halfheartedly, jammed his sore body into the closest clothing he could find, and wandered out into the less private parts of the RV. As he spotted all three of the others, he realized he was wearing one of Terrell’s soft black T-shirts. It even smelled like him.

He and Eleanor were huddled over the dining table. They seemed to be having a conversation about the new talismans. When they saw he was up, they raised their voices but did not address him. Kenna was sitting on the couch watching a multilingual cartoon show. She waved at him and produced a big smile. “Good morning, Dakota!”

“Hi, hon,” he managed in return. Though he didn’t feel good at all, he tried to mimic her cheerfulness. At least someone was happy to see him.

As he reached for more pain pills, her interest didn’t waver. “You feelin’ better?”