Chapter 108

Hope, on the other hand, had gotten most of their father’s genes. Full green eyes, pale skin, brownish hair. Tall, almost statuesque. If a person knew what to look for, they could maybe tell she was mixed, but barely. More importantly, she kept in contact with their white, estranged dad. She’d married a white man and then given birth to his white-appearing child.

But she was still his sister, and he loved her. Coming to the rescue, he explained, “No, she’s not adopted, and neither am I. Our mom was Native, but our dad was white. And when people are born, it’s kind of like rolling the dice as to what features you get from which parent. That’s why some people have the same eyes as their dad but the hair color of their mom. In our case, we just ended up looking a lot different. That’s all.” After a pause to think it over, he continued. “It’s not very nice to ask things that way, though. Why don’t you apologize, okay?”