Chapter 3

“When did you become a cop? I thought you were going to be a baseball player for many years to come.”

“I was planning to.” Karl made a face. “But eight years ago, I was sucker-punched during a game when it got volatile between the Mariners and the Twins. One of the twins was being a shit and we didn’t like that. I got hit hard enough that my jaw was fractured.”

Deepan stared at him.

“You were taken out by one punch?”

“Pretty much.” Karl chuckled. “Few people get the opportunity to claim they could taste spinal fluid.”

“Fuck.” Deepan knew how dangerous that was. Karl was lucky to be alive. “And you’re now a cop? Are you sure you’re in the right job?”

“I recovered well enough. And you know I always said if I couldn’t be a baseball player, I would be a cop. So that’s what I am.”

Deepan had to admire that. Karl never let anything get him down. He held up the syringe.

“This is just something to numb your arm so it’ll be easier to stitch you up. You okay with that?”