Chapter 23

And he couldn’t bring up any emotions about Kenneth. The man had been a bastard. Deepan couldn’t think of anything better for him. But everything in him was numb right now.

He was a part of this, whether he liked it or not.

“Deepan?” Paige had knelt in front of him, her hands on his knees. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything.” Deepan shook his head and scowled. “I should never have come back. That job offer shouldn’t have been as tempting as it was. Only bad things have happened since I came back.”

“Not everything, surely?”

“Pretty much.” Deepan said grimly. “People I’ve been intimate with, those I cared about, have been hurt or killed. And everyone is keeping their distance from me now. I’m getting isolated, and it’s starting to feel like school all over again.”

“Oh, Deepan.” Paige shifted closer, rising up on her knees and stroking his jaw. Her expression softened. “You’ve got me. And I’m not going to desert you.”