Chapter 27

“Come on in.”

He led the way to the front door and let them in. Deepan found himself looking around with his mouth open. It was a gorgeous house, everything looking new and clean. There didn’t seem to be a speck of dust in sight. The furniture had to cost as much as the house.

It was then Deepan realized that Karl was in a completely different league. Didn’t matter what he was now, Karl was a man of money. Deepan felt more and more inadequate the further they went into the house.

Karl led Deepan into the kitchen, taking off his shades and placing them on the kitchen counter with his holster and badge. Then he turned to Deepan. God, he looked good in a suit. Deepan tried not to lick his lips as he saw how the shirt clung to each contour of Karl’s chest, and how snug his pants looked.

“What happened?”


“What made you leave your apartment?”

“Oh. That.” Deepan shook himself. He had to get a grip on himself. “It’s Paige. She…she came on to me.”