Aidan laughed more. The trees and the grass and the moon swung closer to listen. That banshee’s merriment. Twining into the world. “I could put this on you, then. For now. Only for now. But for now you’ll be all mine. Naked, and wearing my collar…”
“Oh yes,” Ink said, probably too fast. “Yes.”
“Sounds good to me.” Their eyes met.
Aidan, unexpectedly, said, “I like your ears. They tell me what you’re thinking.”
“They—” He stopped talking. Aidan, humming softly, had held out the bridle and leash; the web of it shimmered and rippled its way up and out and into a new shape, which wrapped around Ink’s throat and settled into place.
A collar. A magical one. Aidan’s. On him.
The sense of rightness, of belonging—not a herd, but a partner; not an obligation but a choice—sank into his bones. His soul.