Chapter 20

“‘Out of sight out of mind, out of his pants, Booger,’” Tom Alan said.

“I still can’t believe you ever called me that!” Milo took Etsuko, who insisted on joining him down on the floor.

“Someone else did.” Tom Alan gave them each a nuzzle. “I just agreed with them.”

“And it was accurate.” Billy tapped Milo’s knee playfully with the toe of his sneaker. “Once upon a time, you were quite the man whore.”

“Shh. Little ears are listening,” Erika said.

“Peanut’s first word was f-u-c-k.” Peanut was Billy’s baby brother, Burgess. “I taught it to him.” He seemed so proud. “Dad thought it was hilarious. Mom, not so much.”

“That’s a different story,” Erika said. “People might giggle if a toddler curses. No one’s going to laugh if she calls someone…” Erika lowered her voice. “A butt monkey or a man whore.”

“Got it. No naughty words in front of the princess.” Milo loudly smooched Etsuko on both cheeks and her forehead then took Tom Alan’s hand.