Chapter 23

“I want to get it, though.” Erika was right behind her and reached for her wrist.

“I should just kill myself.”

“My God, Jesse!” Erika grabbed her by both arms. “No!”

“Tell me why I shouldn’t.”

“Because there will be other boys!” Erika remembered to lower her voice then. “It may not feel like it now, but not being with Kensuke is not the end of the world.”

“No.” Jesse agreed. She was crying, and swiped the cuff of her long-sleeved denim shirt across her nose. “But no other guy is ever going to want me like he does. I hate my body.”

“We all do sometimes,” Erika said.

Jesse sputtered at the inane platitude. “I’m going to end up alone,” she said. “Because I’m not attracted to straight guys.”

Erika fought back a laugh, and also the lump in her throat. She was exactly like the girl standing in front of her. “You are going to meet so many men—”