“Go where?”
Tom Alan didn’t answer.
“What the hell was that? Go after him, Milo!” Erika shoved him.
“I don’t think he wants me to.” Milo was uncharacteristically subdued. “The last time we fought like that it was over you and your marriage…and we ended up splitting.”
“You stop that. “ Erika waved off any concern. “Billy and I have found our way back together.” She took his hand. “And you and Tom Alan…the two of you…that’s forever. If you got past all that, nothing can come between you…ever.”9
Kyoko was gone after refusing a sendoff. “We’ve said our goodbyes.” The evening had been quiet. Neither teen had been in touch since before dinner. Milo had stayed at the house, mostly upstairs, and Tom Alan had wandered the town until he showed up with the cats around ten.
“They wouldn’t settle,” he said, standing just outside the door with a light drizzle falling, the carrier in hand with two squirming balls of fur inside. “I guess they’ve gotten used to sleeping here.”